Welcome to Tantulli's|

    Love pizza? So do we! Our flour, a lot of our ingredients and even our pizza chef come from Italy. We keep it as authentic as possible.

    Tantulli's Italian

    Lunch time: 02:00pm - 05:00pm

    Open today: 04:00pm - 08:00pm

    Sorry we are not accepting online orders right now, please call us on (07) 3161 8822 to place your order.
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    About Us

    The story of Tantulli's italian

    Once upon a time, there was this cool brand called Pavarotti's Italian....

    Our Family Name

    Tantulli’s Italian is owned and operated by Rossano Tantulli.

    Rossano has been working in Restaurants since birth! His family are, to this day proud restaurateurs in Italy. Rossano’s father, Ulisse is the bold face of the Tantulli’s Italian Logo.

    Together with a bunch of dedicated staff, we’re at the beginning of something awesome!

    Our Journey

    We had ideas of grandeur as Pavarotti’s Italian, until someone asked us why we weren’t using our own name. This got us thinking, we’d been working so hard to promote an amazing restaurant, full of Italian goodness and yet, someone else was taking all the credit.

    So with that, we made the decision to forge ahead using our own name.